Thursday 8 August 2002

Halfway There

With the half way point rapidly approaching (12 noon) we high tailed it out of Italy, through France and into Monaco. You could smell the money as soon as we arrived!

Given the prices, I think it's a good thing we're only staying for a couple of hours. Still, walking around the park was free, so that's what we did. Check out their ten (well, ok - eight) commandments - ridiculous!

Next went to the casino - Colin wasn't brave (or stupid) enough to go in, but I dashed past the first set of guards, only to be thrown out by the second set :( so we decided to trundle around ther port and look at the big boats - the best name had to be Lady Candy.

We then made our way back to the train station to meet Dave and Doug - they had survived! After swapping stories we all came to the conclusion that Italy was shit.

Finally we caught the train to Nice and made our way (under Doug's guidance... I know!) to the YH, which is really swanky and quite cheap! Food, beer, chatted up girls (including a beer stealing Australian!), Dave puked, then bed.

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