Thursday 25 July 2002


What a quality idea!

I woke up this morning in Berlin :) We retrieved our tickets and stepped off the train, only to be given a free guide of the city (this is too easy!)

After which it was time to find a bed for the night. Hotel Charlottenburg - cosy enough, but on with the tour...

Warschauer Strasse is where we found long sections of the Berlin Wall. It wasn't as high as I thought it would be.

We then wandered along to Alexanderplatz to see the World Clock. Next to the TV tower, where I stupidly bet €50 with a con-artist and surprisingly lost! I know :(

Checkpoint Charlie (reconstructed military checkpoint) on Friedrichstr. was worth a visit. From there we followed the remains of the wall to Potzdamer Platz. A cool place to hang out, but made even more so by the exhibition that was being staged there. "Die Erde von Oben" (The Earth from the Air) is a breathtaking collection of photos from all around the world - I highly recommend it!

Berlin isn't quite ready for our visit - the Brandenburger Tor is hidden under a cloth and the Reichstag is closed for refurbishments. So we climbed the Siegessäule for a good view of the city.

We were getting tired after all this walking so we had a short break at the hotel before heading for pizza and a few beers. After a while people got up on the karaoke (my idea of hell), but to be fair Barry Cheung's version of 'Mandy' was priceless :)

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