Thursday 15 August 2002


First stop this morning was Castell de Montjuic - the views could have been spectacular, but it was too damm hazey.

We weren't that impressed with the Olympic Stadium, but our next stop blew us away...

The Nou Camp stadium was truly amazing - I'd love to come back here when there is a game on.

Next to La Rambla - the main street of Barça - for a real catalan hot choc ("so thick that you can stand your spoon in it"), unfortunately the place was closed (it's a religious holiday). Still it's another great reason to come back here!

La Sagrada Familia - a cathedral designed by Gaudi - was the next stop on our tour. Although it's not finished, it is stunning and well worth the climb up the towers - even tho the bridge between them was a bit airy! Inspired by Gaudi's cathedral, we went to find his park, but then...

It pissed it down :(

So we raced back to the YH to dry off, after which we went and ate some lobster. I really loved Barcelona and would love to stay here a little longer, but we've a train to catch!

I'll come back another day...

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