Saturday 10 August 2002


Up early and on the train to Marseille!

The train to Marseille was horribly overcrowded, but luckily we got on early enough to get a seat. By now we are well practiced when arriving in a new place. Toilet (usually Dave having a number 2), tourist info (for a map) and accomodation (which all too often has been easy!). Only not this time...

Everywhere was 'complet', so we ended up staying in a right hole AND I'm having to share a double bed with Doug :(

After dumping our bags and filling our bellies, we took a boat to Chateau d'If. This is the place (so the tour guides tell us) that inspired Alexander Dumas to write the Count of Monte Christo. A lovely little place :)

We were all so knackered that in the evening we just went for some Morrocan food (there's a big North African influence here) and then went to bed.

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