Monday 19 August 2002

Quack Quack Orange

After being so lazy yesterday, we were up and out early. First stop was the police station – it wasn’t me! Colin used to live in Spain and had to sort an old issue – sounds dodgy to me, so I didn’t pry.

Whilst Colin was at the police station, Mags and I wandered around her old uni – a lot prettier than Lancaster :)

Once we met up with Colin again we took a walk through Maria Luisa Park and then on to the Cathedral – the World’s largest gothic structure. Next we climbed the Giralda, but there wasn’t a step in sight! Just ramps all the way to the top – Mags said it was so they could take horses up there – why? I have no idea. The views of Seville were breathtaking, but I’m not too sure the horses would have been that interested.

On our way back we visited the Plaza de España – where the new Star Wars was filmed. No lightsabres tho :(

We met Mags family for the first time tonight. They are all really nice – although I speak no Spanish and only her Dad knows a few phrases of English, so communication is a bit of a problem. Well for me anyway. Colin on the other hand never stops bambling on – he seems to have been adopted as their son :)

The family took us for a meal where we tried virtually everything on the menu! It was a good night, although I was a little frustrated at not being able to join in as freely as I would have liked – I either had to rely on Mags to translate or guess what everyone was saying. I don’t think I did too bad… Mags’ Dad told us a joke that ended “quack quack orange”.

I think I got it :)

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