Wednesday 28 July 2004

Dr Shorty I presume...

We had to get up at 4:30am - I thought this was a holiday!?

Arrived at Glasgow Airport - the plane was delayed by an hour :( but on the brightside it meant that we could get some brekky.

First tho I checked in the bags... I was ready for a huge excess baggage charge, but the lady didn't even weigh them! She sent me to oversized baggage - 60kg - and I wasn't charged a penny :)

After our Burger King breakfast I said goodbye to my taxi drivers (Rob and Hayley) and boarded the plane.

It took me ages to find the bags in Reykjavik - they were hidden in a hole in the wall!?

Met Alistair and jumped straight on a bus to the YH campsite. After dumping the pulks and skis we headed into town to shop for expedition food and bus tickets.

Back at the campsite Alistair cooked whilst I went for petrol. After food Alistair went for a swim and I packed.

Tried my first Icelandic delicacy - Maltöl Beer - YUK!

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