Monday 2 August 2004

Expedition Day 4

Start @ 10:22

Weather - Miserable!
Wind - South Eastily

Having been in the tent for 35 hours we made a dash for it as soon as the rain stopped! Bit of a mistake really because as soon as we got under way the heavens opened once more :(

The comfort of following the skidoo tracks is over as we set off on our own into the mist...

The going got tougher once we left the tracks - it was raining harder than ever - my pulk began to fill with water!

Since we had no tracks with which to orientate ourselves, Alistair had to follow me and shout out left and right to help us stay on the bearing. It did my head in!

Trying to get into the tent and keeping things dry is proving difficult. Once in the tent I was able to sort out my feet. They are really soaked and both have some skin missing (not a pretty sight!)

To cheer us up Alistair decided now was a good time to get stuck into his Birthday Whiskey (a little early, but I'm not complaining!) We then discussed route options and decided that going anywhere near Grimsvötn (a huge hole in the ground) in this visibility was a bad move, so we have altered our route.

Finish @ 18:37

Distance = 23 km

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