Thursday 21 July 2005

Manchester to Boston - the Long Way Round

We may have arrived safely, but it certainly was not without incident...

We flew to the States via Dublin & an unexpected stop over in Shannon to go through US Customs & Border Protection!!

The flight was long - the food & film were crap. On the flight we had a conversation with a woman who was petrified of flying - at some point in the conversation Will started talking about dying!? He said it was black humour ... reverse psychology & that I wouldn't understand - he was right!

We landed earlier than expected & managed to find our trusty steed - a BIG White Buick Rendezvous. After roughly 30 mins of trying to open the "trunk", put it in gear & take off the park brake - we were ready to find the Youth Hostel...

Will, Highway 90 or 93? ... 90 or 93? ... "Errrrm, 93 ... Sh*t! I mean 90!" Too Late! And so a 10 mile quick drive to the Youth Hostel took 1 hour 45 mins - not that I blame Will - the map was awful & the signs were so confusing.

I can't help feeling that this doesn't bode well for the rest of our trip!

So exhausted & slightly grumpy we abandoned the car in some random multi-storey & made our way to our oven of a bedroom.

Mileage = 30.1 miles

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