Sunday 16 August 2009

Van d'en Bas to Mex

A jolly Swiss man bounded past use this morning,"always climbing to the Lac" he informed us... How right he was!

After a short break at the aqua green waters of Lac de Salanfe, we climbed onwards and upwards to the Col du Jorat. From here we could see the Mont Blanc Massif and the Matterhorn.

Descending from the col, the beautiful peak of Cime de l'Esthe came into view. The peak, also known as the 'Little Matterhorn', dominated the skyline. As we continued to descend towards the quaint village of Mex, we could not help gazing at the steep faces and sharp ridges of the 'Little Matterhorn' .

Tired and weary, after over 900m of ascent and 1100m of descent, a warm welcome greeted us at the Auberge de l'Armalli. Closely followed by a huge thunderstorm...

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