Sunday 11 April 2010


I awoke this morning with a small grey cloud was over my head :( Not to worry though! It's nothing a day in the mountains cannot cure...

A quick weather check out of the window and off we set yo climb the classic Varden. At 700m in height, it is not the highest peak in the region, but it has a good mix of terrain to sustain interest.

The taxi dropped us off at the start of the Løype, which we followed to the base of the ridge. We used the ridge to ascend to the top of the snow field (at approximately 600m). With our snowboards strapped to our backs, the windy conditions on the ridge were sometimes helpful - giving us a push up the hill. More often it was a hindrance - regularly knocking us off balance! From the ridge, Matt and I were able to pick out a safe descent route through the trees.

We were more sheltered once we dropped off the ridge and ascended to the summit col, where impressive views across the Lofoten Islands greeted us.

Here we stashed our rucksacks and snowboards as we attempted to climb the final rocky icy outcrop that is the summit. Roughly five meters below the summit, we were faced with a dilemma... Our snowshoes were not suitable for the final section and our snowboard boots were too soft to kick into the compacted snow and ice. We, therefore, retreated back to our snowboards, strapped them on and began to descend.

At first the snow conditions were very tricky... Weight on my front foot, the board would dig in and over I go. Weight on my back foot, the board would sink and over I go. Weight evenly distributed, the board would not turn very easily and I would pick up speed (quickly!) and throw myself to the ground in order to stop :)

Soon I got the hang of it and we snaked our way down the mountain. Three hours up and thirty minutes down :)

That evening we enjoyed the local delicacy of Stockfish at the charming Børsen Spiseri.

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