Thursday 8 April 2010

Where has everything gone?!

I pulled back the curtains to reveal nothing but whiteness as far as the eye can see. The poor visibility meant the planned off-piste hike was abandoned. We, instead, opted for a day of free riding on the Riksgränsen fell. The fresh snow gave the pisted runs a bit of cushioning.

In the afternoon, the silver disc of the sun burned through the clouds. Since the visibility had improved, we chose to head to Bjørnfjell for a few off-piste routes. Picking a route between the steep rocky outcrops was tricky, but the snow was light and fluffy, which made it all worthwhile :)

Nature is as much a part of snowsports as the board (or the skis!). Similarly, the love of nature is as much a part of a rider as his (or her!) love of cold, fresh powdersnow sprinkling his face and caking his goggles as he tries to negotiate powder turns by radar. A rider can hardly feel any closer to the mountains and the nature that are his home than he can feel amidst the Arctic splendour and remote tranquility of Riksgränsen.

We finished the day by snowboarding back to the hotel. Time to pack, as tomorrow we head to the Lofoten Islands...

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