Friday 13 April 2012

Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside!

Getting out of bed was tough this morning!  After a sumptuous breakfast, we headed out of the back gate to begin our ascent of Hesk Fell.

Tussock-bashing our way along an ill-defined route, eventually led to the top of Buckbarrow, the best summit of the day.  In and amongst the boulders and outcrops, we stopped for a spot of lunch.

After filling our bellies, we headed across the Fell Road and up the short steep climb to the summit of Stoneside Hill.

A quick map check, then we headed across a boggy area to begin the long slog along another indistinct ridge with no clear path to the summit of Black Combe.

We crested the final rise on the sprawling summit and were faced with a huge expanse of golden blue, and in the foreground was a large offshore wind farm.  The view was immense.

From the summit, our final leg was the steady descent into Silecroft, where we jumped on the train back home.  The train journey complemented the hike perfectly.  A stunning journey along the coastline, the highlight of which was crossing the Kent Estuary.

Whilst many will think our achievements are small, it is through my eyes that I judge myself.  My point is this: you do not conquer a mountain.  You conquer yourself.

This hike will always stay in my mind as one that I enjoyed with two very good friends whilst reconnecting with a part of the World of which I am very fond :)

The day by numbers...

Distance: 20.1km
Time: 6 hours 47 minutes
Ups and Downs: 1827m
Maximum Height: 608m

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