Sunday 8 July 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey...

Before you get all excited ladies, this is not one of Miss Anna Steele's lurid escapades.  There is not a bitten lip or an inner goddess in sight :)

It is more a description of the view.  Hardly what I had envisaged when imagining a ferry journey across the Baltic Sea.  So time to bury my nose in the guidebooks…

By late afternoon, the sun has burned away the fog, so I venture on deck to sample the views.  By my calculations, Sweden is on the left and Russia is on the right.  Not that there was much difference :)

Over the evening meal I am given a friendly warning by one of the locals about the fines for speeding in Finland.  Apparently you are fined in proportion to your monthly wage, which resulted in his colleague receiving a €860 fine!  It seems a bit unrealistic, but I am not willing to find out for myself.

With the sun setting over Sweden (or is it Russia!?) I head to my surprisingly comfy chair-bed and try to ignore the room rattling snoring from the BIG Russian fella in the corner.

Distance: 611 nautical miles

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