Thursday 18 July 2013

A Green and Pleasant Land

When I was at school, castles were always on top of hills. Built on a low hill, the largest fortress in Europe is far too easily accessible, given that it is still in the centre of Figueres. I can even ride my motorbike around it! How, in the 18th-century, did the Castell de Sant Ferran repel any French invaders?

I leave Figueres and choose to avoid the mayhem of the toll roads. Instead I enjoy the ride through a lush green forested part of Spain. As I pass between Les Guilleries and Montseny National Park, I find myself rethinking my preconceived idea of what Spain looks like.

Nothing can dampen my spirits as I dance along this winding road. I need my shades as the sun is blinding and I can see for miles and miles, until... I ride straight into a cloudburst. In the space of five minutes, everything I am wearing is soaked. As I ride out of the other side, my feelings are beginning to reflect the damp and soggy nature of my clothing, until... The magnificent vista of Montserrat comes into view. I open up the throttle, stir up a little dust and begin to dry my clothes :)

I arrive in Monistrol de Montserrat and find a charming hostel. Just as I finish checking in, the heavens open once more. Decision made, I will visit the Monastery tomorrow...

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