Monday, 25 February 2019

Grande Traversée du Jura: Day 2

The short steep climb from Longeville-Mont-d’Or takes me back off the beaten track into the ‘Doubs’ region, where I ski under the flanks of the highest summit in the region, Mont d’Or (1463m). I ascend through pine forest on good trails and enjoy skiing gently downhill to Mouthe. My descent enjoyable descent is at one point rudely interrupted as I learn a hard lesson. Where the sun has warmed up parts of the slope which makes the snow became sticky and throws me violently to the ground. Lesson learned, I will watch out for this in future...

As I enter the final forested slope before arriving in Mouthe, before me lay a steep icy chute to reach the main traversing track. With my heart in my mouth, I begin the descent, I quickly pick up speed and no matter how hard I brake, I continue to pick up speed! Add to this the fact that every time I crossed a line of sun on the snow, my body tenses as I prepare for the possibility of being slammed to the ground again. All of this make this short section easily the most terrifying ten minutes I have spent on skis.

With legs like jelly, I finally reach Mouthe and La Source du Doubs. There is a sting in the tail today as a final 2km climb takes me to my accommodation at the family run 'gîte' Chez Liadet for the night. It was hardworking to ski uphill, but well worth it.

Distance: 27km

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