Tuesday 23 July 2002


First job for today was to book our train out of here! We leave tomorrow, so 24 hours to spend in Amsterdam...

First stop was the Anne Frank Huis, however the queue was miles long, so we decided to come back later.

We found our first bit of culture in the Rijksmuseum. We saw everything from Van Gogh's self portrait to lots of old guns. Next we caught Meijer's Rondvaarten - a canal trip around the city. After that we headed to a museum of a different kind...

The Erotisch Museum was well funny :)

As we headed back to Anne Frank's Huis the heavens opened, but that was a good thing as when we arrived there was no queue! It would have been worth it tho - it was so humbling.

It took us a while to find the highly recommended Bojos - an Indonesian restaurant - really good food and cheap! For desert we had some space cake - bit crap really :(

After food we bimbled around the city and we offered all sorts of things - "fresh pussy", "sex", "something", drugs,... time to move on.

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