Monday 22 July 2002

And they're off...

Colin's family have said that I am really brave spending five weeks inter-railing around Europe with him - I hope he's not that bad...

Our inter-rail pass does not kick in for a few days so we caught a (qu)easyjet flight to Amsterdam.

Upon arriving in Amsterdam the first thing I noticed was the smell. It was a curious combination of marijuana and piss...

Anyway our first job was to find accommodation. First we tried the Flying Pig - no room, so choice number two was Hotel Beursstraat. It's moto: clean and simple and at €40 per night it'll do.

Our next mission was to find food and drink, but we accidentally (?) ended up in the red light district :)

It's all very tongue in cheek. I wandered around not really knowing where to look and occasionally giggling like a little school boy. There were women in shop windows and blokes queuing up as if they were in Tesco! I really didn't get it...

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