Tuesday 6 August 2002

Get me outta Italy!!

We are getting outta here! After a disappointing visit to Florence, Colin and I decided to go to Genova via Pisa.

The train arrived ten minutes late in Pisa, but that still left us 50 mins to see the tower and leave. We arrived back on the platform with five minutes to spare - the train had just left! Italy is beginning to piss me off. So now we have another two hours to kill in this pokey little tourist hole :(

Colin was so gutted - he gave in and went for a McDonalds. Meanwhile I went wandering around looking at all the tourist tack. I met Colin back at the station 45 mins before our train was supposed to leave, only to find that out train had been moved to 12:55 from 13:30. The same wasn't going to happen again, was it?

We ran to Binario 4 - like the board said - to find that the train had been sent to Binario 7 - BASTARDS!

Happy ending this time - we got out of Pisa :)

On our train journey to Genova, we saw the sea - it was such a beautiful shade of blue - maybe Italy isn't that bad after all...

For the first time on the whole trip, we found it difficult to find accomodation when we arrived in Genova! Or maybe we're just getting lazy :)

Colin and I rounded off the day by visiting the mafia for a seafood pizza and beers :)

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