Monday 5 August 2002


As the morning arrived, so did we. It is here that, with a tear in their eye, we said goodbye to Dave and Doug... Well only until Nice, but that still means they have to look after themselves for four whole days - will they survive?

We decided that since we had carried a tent all this way, we might as well camp! So after finding a campsite and pitching the tent, we headed into town...

First impressions of Florence is how picturesque everything is. Second is how closed everything is! It's Monday and everything is shut :( So more wandering around the town. Ponte Vecchio (a cool bridge) and the Duomo (v. pretty marble church) were worth a look, but we came here to see all the famous art and sculptures and saw nowt!!

Tried getting a pizza, which was virtually impossible. Headed, eventually, back to the campsite for some sleep :(

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