Saturday 31 July 2004

Expedition Day 2

Start @ 11:45

Weather - Misty
Wind - None

Oooops! We slept in late today, probably due to the trauma of yesterday. First, we skinned up (!?) as we are on skis for the first time.

So off we set into the mist and we could see bugger all! The calm of the icecap was occasionally broken by the odd skidoo - this was kinda reassuring. By mid-afternoon the sun came out to play, but we had to stop so that I could repair the hole that was developing on my heel - nice!

Since starting the expedition we have been following a set of tracks, as they head in generally the right direction. Despite this obvious sign of people, it is still surprising how alone you feel out here.

We plodded along some more until the mist came down again. We set up our camp - our routine is working well!

Finish @ 18:32

Distance = 15.3 km

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