Friday 30 July 2004

Expedition Day 1

Start @ 16:55

Weather - Rain
Wind - South

No sooner had we set off than the heavens opened :(

It was really exciting tho, I felt like a proper explorer :) We did the first day on crampons, which was hard work at times.

We didn't really see much except for a line of skidoos parked up - I suggested 'borrowing' a couple. Alistair said it would be cheating. So on we trudge through into the darkness...

After a few more hours we came across a little caravan - I suggested going and saying hello (with the ulterior motive of finding respite from the rain). Alistair said something about self sufficiency :(

So once we were out of site of the caravan we set up camp - I have never been so happy to climb into my sleeping bag.

Finish @ 19:51

Distance = 6.7 km

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