Monday 9 August 2004

Alistair's Account

3 months ago - sitting in a warm living room - browsing the internet, playing at arctic explorers seemed like a good idea.

The howling wind, horizontal rain and hammering hail that greeted us at our starting point wasn't quite the start I'd envisaged! Even the hut guardian didn't seem highly enamoured with our plan and suggested delaying our departure [I wasn't told of this bit! Lee] as he took the contact details for our next of kin!

With wild trepadation thugh we took that first step and the adventure began.

Following a GPS for mile after mile in minimal visibility and dodging rain storms hadn't been part of the masterplan, but it did make those times when we did have views all the more special.

The main thing I have learnt is that the adventure isn't over until you step back onto the bus - never underestimate the last 15km!

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