Thursday 5 August 2004

Expedition Day 7 Part 1

Start @ 00:00

Weather - Foggy
Wind - South Eastily

As we plodded on, the visibility got worse until we could see barely 2m ahead of us. We put our headtorches on, but even they couldn't help us with the next obstacle...

A huge crevasse was blocking our path! It was big enough to fit my car in and it would not have even touched the sides! Our choice was simple - left or right. We chose right.

After 5 mins another crevasse came in and blocked our route :( So we decided to set up camp, rather than mess around near big holes in the ground (and given the fact we could hardly see anything!)

Using logic, we decided that if we were surrounded by crevasses, we couldn't be camping on one - could we?!

Finish @ 02:20

Distance = 6 km

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