Thursday 5 August 2004

Expedition Day 7 Part 2

Start @ 12:10

Weather - Sunny!
Wind - South Eastily

It was too warm in the tent, so I poked my head out of the tent and was blinded by the light - what a pleasant surprise! So we set off...

The crevasse that had stalled our progress last night was now not a problem. We easily picked a route cetween the crevasses.

Now this is what I signed up for! Clear blue skies, lovely views, the wind behind us and skiable snow. With all these plus point we decided to try and get some distance covered...

30 km to go to the edge of the icecap - volcanoes and craters.

20 km to go - downhill section! This is getting too easy.

15 km to go - starting to tire now.

10 km to go - d'oh! We have reached the end of the snow. It has become very difficult to move over the clumpy icy gritty surface.

Every step seemed to hurt and we had to concentrate so hard to avoid falling into the cracks that were regularly appearing.

After another hour or so the binding on my left ski snapped and with it my temper (as it happens the binding snapped back into place - my temper was not so easy to fix!)

I took my skis off and strapped them to the side of my pulk and stormed off. I caught Alistair up in no time. The ground was getting trickier to deal with and we were running out of daylight.

I did not want to do this in the dark!

Finish @ 00:00

Distance = 37 km

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