Wednesday 4 August 2010

Mont Blanc de Cheilon

The hustle and bustle of the hut is tricky to cope with at the best of times; 5:15am is not the best of times! Bleary eyed, I got fed and watered. I was relieved to get out on to the route...

After a slippery start on the bridge, we headed along the moraine past the beautiful pyramidal form of the Mont Blanc de Cheilon to the Col de Cheilon (3 243m). Here, we prepared ourselves for glacial travel. We climb on to the glacier and slogged our way up it, dodging the huge crevasses that lay in our way.

The steep ascent up the glacier took us to a South West Ridge, where we could take in magnificent views of the Matterhorn, La Ruinette, Dent Blanche and Mont Blanc. The final steep section of rock on the ridge took us to the small summit at 3 870m, which was barely big enough to fit us all on!

We then followed our earlier footprints back down to the col and past the clear-cut north face, which we had sat upon hours earlier, to the Cabane des Dix. After a short pitstop, we continued onwards and downwards to Arolla...

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