Tuesday 3 August 2010

La Luette

As I peered out of the hut window, I could not quite believe what I was seeing... Snow in August!?!

With our stomachs full, we trudged off in to the mist leaving the warmth of the hut behind. The path from the hut snaked it's way along the moraine to the Glacier de la Luette.

We put crampons on, roped up and took our ice axes in hand and began to weave our way between crevasses. The steep zig-zagging route took us to the col at 3465m.

After a short food break, we climbed a loose rocky ridge to the summit of La Luette at 3548m. From this fantastic vantage point, the clouds parted to grant us a quick peek at what surrounds us.

We then re-traced our route back to the Cabane des Dix that has a deserved reputation for great food :)

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