Monday 23 July 2012

A Good Deed

After the best breakfast of the trip so far, I start the day with a good deed. A Swiss biker is heading North and is short of few pieces of equipment. Since I am heading South to supposedly warmer and drier climes, I hand mine over. I now hope the weather Gods will smile on me…

Shortly after leaving Trondheim en-route to Moss, I cross the three thousand mile barrier for the entire journey as suburbia gives way to farming and then forests. Southwards the scenery is mixed but the winding ascent to Støren through the Sokmedal valley is as good as any on the whole trip.

Crossing Dovrefejellet I am reminded of Saltfejellet wearing its Sunday best. Norway’s oldest national park is a wild but not bleak mountain plateau of wonderful beauty. The views are picture postcard perfect. It is all a bit twee really.

Dombås is the definition of a tourist centre. This orgy of caravans, campervans and motor homes is a bustling and lively stopping place for travellers. It is so liberating to be on my motorbike as I easily weave around ill thought out parking manoeuvres or general incompetence.

I am exhausted as I arrive in Ringebu, the midpoint for today’s route. I pull off the main highway down a small track and take a quick nap on the banks of the Lågen in the scenic Gudbrandsdal.

As I approach Oslo I begin to tire and seem to enter a trance like state as the unvarying scenery of farmland and forest does little to capture my imagination. In the Southern commuter belt of Oslo, in the town of Moss, lives my old friend Brookie and his family. I have only seen Brookie once since he moved to Norway. It is lovely to see a friendly face at the end of long day and enjoy some home comforts.

Distance: 373.1 miles


Anonymous said...

Hello, Lee! I was captivated by your interesting depiction of this odyssey of yours. I have roamed the internet long now in search of a compelling tale of a man on a motorbike, as I myself enjoy riding my Yamaha FJ1200. However, I found it to be a bit aggrivating when you spelled Göteborg wrong, several times. It is with an "o" in Swedish not a "u". But don't worry, you haven't lost a fan because of that!! ;)

Guitey said...

I think I have corrected all three misspellings Dilop!

Thank you for the advice :)

Anonymous said...

So it seems you have... :) It gave me great pleasure and excitement, as I was reading for the fifth time, the now mistake free entry! When are you writing your next blog? Maybe you could make some silly mistakes so that we have something to talk about...

Guitey said...

The next blog will may be in February or maybe the summer. You'll have to wait and see ;-)

As for the typos, well surely those are not necessary to start up a conversation! Isn't there enough to chat about when you read what I have written!?