Tuesday 24 July 2012

All roads lead to Göteborg

After a lovely breakfast, we all head down to the harbour and hop aboard the family boat. As we cruise along the fjord, the boys and I sit on the front of the boat riding the big waves. We dock at a little rocky outcrop for a spot of crab fishing and enjoy a BBQ. What a life! :D

Alas, I have to leave as my ferry departs this evening and I still have one more country to visit! I say goodbye to the gang and leave them to fill the crab bucket :)

One lane becomes two and then three as I hurry towards the Swedish border. The bridge from Norway to Sweden offers a stunning view out to sea. Just one hundred miles to go!

I follow the Göta älv into Göteborg and reach the area where the harbour is. I can see the ship. I can even see the sea! Can I find the entrance? Not easily. I turn left. I turn right. I carry on straight ahead. The result is the same; I head to the centre of Göteborg. I end up going through the Lunby Tunnel four times before I eventually discover the tiny turning for the freight harbour.

It is here, whilst waiting to board the ship, that I will finish the story of my latest odyssey. It is not that the adventure is over. No way – I am very much looking forward to the summertime escapades with my friends and family. Next time my wheels roll will be on the green and pleasant land of my home. I have ridden my motorbike all the way… The Long Way Home.

Distance: 179.3 miles

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