Sunday 12 August 2012

What if?

Now that I am leaving home, what I do I make of the journey that brought me here…

First, whenever I told people about my plans, the responses tended to be:
What if this happens? 
What if that happens? 
What if you run out of petrol? 
What if? 
These two little words could easily have stopped me from jumping on my motorbike. In fact, it was these two words that made the trip for me. The “what ifs” and the “maybes” made life on the road so exciting. Every time I got into a spot of bother, I met people that helped (which gives me a much rosier view of the World) or I figured something out myself (as I like to think there are no problems; only challenges).

Secondly, I never got tired of riding my motorbike every day. I love being in my own little World inside my helmet. It is like a meditation which begins from the moment I put my earplugs in.

Finally, some of my favourite parts of the journey may not seem that special. We seem to be conditioned to think that our lives revolve around great moments, but these moments often catch us unaware. They can be beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one, such as a chance meeting or a random conversation. For me, the trick is to recognise them...

Distance: 3515.5 miles (Scandinavia)
Distance: 588.6 miles (UK)
Distance: 4104.1 miles (Total)


Smeg said...

Profound but true!

I can definitely relate to this -
When I'm out on me todd in me Westie.

Guitey said...

Why thank you Smeg :)