Tuesday 23 July 2013

Belle of the Ball

The sheer walls of the Alhambra rise from the woods and stand watching over the stifling heat of Granada. Inside is one of the most splendid sights I have ever seen, a network of resplendent palaces, lush oxygen-filled gardens and numerous photo opportunities :)

That said, the thousands of visitors who tramp through the heavily but respectfully restored buildings, make it difficult for me to pause inspect every intricately designed detail much less enjoy the tranquility buildings like this is supposed to invoke. Despite arriving at opening time, I feel rushed and harassed by the sheer volume of people. Tour group leaders, in a myriad of different languages, explaining details to people who just want to take photos. Hoards of bored teenagers wishing their lives away as their parents tell them the scores of legends and fantasies.

I leave just after midday, filled with a sense of relief as I see the masses scrumming at the entrance. Now I am grateful for having had a quiet(ish) period to put the big picture together. Next time, I will focus on the detail...

After a short siesta, I head into find an outfit for the wedding. In a lot of ways I have become more European in my approach to life, thankfully this has not extended to any area of my sartorial elegance. I eventually, and somewhat reluctantly, cobble an outfit together. I will either look like the belle of the ball or a complete bell-end :D

As the evening closes in and the stifling heat of Granada slowly dissipates, I disappear into the narrow streets of Realejo San Matias to find food and cerveza. Wish me luck!

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