Wednesday 24 July 2013


My two wheels hit the sizzling tarmac of Granada and the air begins to flow through my leather jacket as I try to find the road to "the village". I escape the reaches of the city limits and weave my way between mountains, along emerald green lakes and across deserted shrub land.

I stop to refuel and eat in Ronda. The town is dramatically perched on the edge of El Tajo gorge. Tourists are drawn to the stunning Puente Nuevo like bears are to porridge. The impressive bridge towers over the dry river bed connecting the old town to the new.

To find Prado del Rey, I leave the major route and follow minor roads through endless fields of sunflowers. My wheels roll on to the cobbled main square of "the village" where I meet Colin. It is now time to get ready for a wedding... :)

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