Monday 15 July 2013

Finding George

Putting on this many layers on such a beautiful day is counter intuitive to say the least! So, with my TomTom set to avoid all motorways, off I set to get some cool air flowing through these layers. I snake my way along the valley bottom towards Grenoble, then ascend into the mountains...

The initial climb is through a steep narrow gorge where the narrow twisty road is chiselled into the sheer limestone face. There are times I want to shut my eyes to avoid seeing these huge drops, then I remember that I am driving :) I leave the shadows of the gorge and catch my first glimpse of snow covered peaks as I head towards the legendary N85...

Generally considered one of the best motorbike roads in Europe, the N85 starts in the mountains and passes through dramatic scenery as it sweeps south to the Mediterranean via Digne-les-Bains and Castellane, gateway to the magnificent Gorges du Verdon. This excellent fast road, is perfect for a motorbike (although loved by campervans too!) follows the route taken by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815, following his exile on Elba. The tarmac is superb, and the corners are a sublime combination of seriously fast sweepers and mountain hairpins. I feel like I am smiling all the way.

On the way to the Côte d'Azur, I pass through many of Provence's pretty hilltop village; all of which were still in their best dress from Bastille Day. En-route I decide to spend the night in Nice and try to find the Youth Hostel that Colin (the groom and the reason for the trip!) and I stayed in nearly eleven years ago. In order to achieve this, I must leave the N85 and take the D6 through the dramatic Gorges du Loup, which starts high in the hills above Greolieres and continues down to Pont-du-Loup. This is another nail biting ride!

My English eyes can see no logic or sense on the chaotic roads of Nice. It seems to be go where you want and honk your horn if someone gets in your way! So I happily join in :) Behaving like a local must give me some sort of sixth sense as I find my way to the Youth Hostel without too many wrong turns. Not bad, hey!?

Only; I kind of now wish that I had not. My stay is a complete disaster. Not what you would expect from somewhere claiming to be the "best hostel in France". I guess you win some, you lose some. On a more positive note; I found George Clooney on my pizza box :)

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