Sunday 21 July 2013

I Am Legend

Bimbling around the centre of Murcia City is like being on the set of I Am Legend. There are signs of life, but the unnatural silence of the city, even for a Sunday morning, is unnerving. The Catedral de Santa María is a striking building and full of people... So this is where they are all hiding, but where is Will and his dog!?!

I cross the border into Andalucía, off in the distance are the snowcapped mountains of the Sierra Nevada. Within no time I have eaten up the hundred or more miles that stood between the peaks and my wheels. I leave the motorway and ride along the jumble of valleys, known as Las Alpujarras, which flank the southern aspect of this arid hillside. Deep ravines alternate with white villages as I head higher and higher along the narrow and exposed switchbacks into the Sierra Nevada. These small villages, clinging to the side of the deep Barranco de Poqueira valley, are pretty, quaint and dramatically sited. Capileira is the highest village and my destination for this evening.

Within five minutes of checking into the rural hotel Finca Los Llanos, I have a room for tonight and a map, a route, food and water for tomorrow's adventure. Time to sit by the pool with a Mojito and relax in the sun :)


mum said...

Hope you enjoyed your mojito !!

Guitey said...

I certainly did Mum ;-)