Thursday 29 July 2004


Alarm bleeped at 6.00am - another early morning :(

We then lugged our very heavy bags onto the first bus of the day and headed to town...

We had time to kill at the main bus station, so we decided to try another Icelandic delicacy - after Maltöl Beer I wasn't expecting much, but was really nice. Soon after we caught the number 12 bus to Skaftafell. Throughout the journey the CD guide kept promising us views of this volcanoe and that thermal spring (weather permitting) - sadly the weather was not.

To while away the bus journey we planned our route. From the start point we ski across to Grimsvötn, then down off the icecap to Laki (a 15km walk) where we can get a bus back to Skaftafell.

The bus took a short break at the v.v.v. impressive Skógarfoss which is about 60m high and 20m wide - I tried to get a piccy, but the weather was so miserable the picture didn't come out.

After the break we drove through a huge lava field. It's the most lava that has ever been spat out of one place ever!

Shortly after we arrived at the campsite, set up camp and then went to have a look at the exhibition about the Vatnajökull and the eruption of Grimsvötn - it was well scary!

We then went to talk to the Mountain Guides - they were happy with what we had planned, but that we should have a sat phone (and guess who hires them for £15 a day!?)

Before bed we had a wander so that we could play with the GPS. The scenery was wonderful and fairly intimidating!


Kevin Beck said...

It looks beautiful.

Guitey said...

It is a beautiful place - you should visit! I'll post more pictures soon...