Sunday 8 August 2004

Expedition Day 10

Start @ 12:36

Weather - Fine with the odd patches of rain.
Wind - none!

Alistair woke up at 11ish and was keen to get under way. Given the beautiful spot we had found to camp on, I was a little reluctant, but we had a bus to catch!

I started out pulling my pulk (well it was trashed after yesterday), but the terrain soon got too tricky for that. So after I had repacked and rejigged my stuff, I had to catch up Alistair.

I walked and walked with only his footprints and an occasional arrow for comfort.

I met up with Alistair at a fork in the road. We had no clue which way to go, as the map was not very detailed and only showed one path! We dumped our pulks and did a reccy... Eventually we decided on the left fork.

After a while we realised two things:

1. We were not going to catch the bus today.
2. The left fork was the wrong choice!

We got ourselves back onto the right track and found another beautiful spot to camp on. For the first time in whole trip we were able to cook, eat and sit comfortably outside of the tent without getting wet or too cold! It kinda made missing the bus worthwhile :)

Finish @ 16:54

Distance = 6 km (Not including the slight detour!)

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