Saturday 7 August 2004

Expedition Day 9

Start @ 17:07

Weather - Rainy!
Wind - Eastily

The plan was to set off when the weather was fine. The plan changed when Alistair came back to the tent and announced that he had had a gritty shitty! There was bleeding :( Too much information! I know, but allow me to explain...

The water coming off of the icecap had so much grit in it and we were unable to filter the water (bad planning on our part), so we just drank it. We didn't think it would have such side effects!

Our number one priority had become finding drinkable water. The going was tough. Crossing the uneven rocky lava fields would have been difficult with a day sack on our backs. It was made virtually impossible given the loads we were carrying :(

There was black sand everywhere, which was a blessing in disguise because everytime we hit a sandy bit I was able to pull my pulk - it is soooo much easier than carrying it. Alistair disagreed and continued to carry his pulk!?

Once we found a clean (and not gritty) source of water we set up camp and called it a night.

Finish @ 22:02

Distance = 5 km

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