Monday 9 August 2004

Expedition Day 11 - Happy Birthday!

Start @ 11:12

Weather - Fine
Wind - None!

I woke up Alistair at 9am this morning with a burst of Happy Birthday! He looked well chuffed with the little (and slightly squashed) birthday cake I had dragged across the icecap :)

We are determined that today is going to be our last day as explorers! This has to be the longest 15km of my life...

Heads down, we set off and, surprisingly, it was a lot easier than I had expected. After rounding the last corner, I saw Alistair... and then the bus!

I have never been so pleased to see a bus.

After a short break, we loaded our stuff onto the bus. That's it - we are now officially tourists :)

Finish @ 12:30

Distance = 4 km

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