Friday 6 August 2004

Expedition Day 8 Part 2

Start @ 12:32

Weather - Fine
Wind - East

We woke later that morning thinking the worse was behind us - how wrong we were!!

I lost my temper (again!) with my pulk and ended up kicking one of my walking poles into the river - not my finest moment, but at least I managed to get it back. So soggy footed I set off...

It was tough going - my pack weighs so much and the ground is so uneven.

We had to negotiate our way around a river that erupted from under the ice, up an unstable glacial mud bank and then along under a collapsing mud cliff. Finally we reached the crux of our route!?

The river that we were supposed to follow became a vast flood plain. We picked our route carefully through it, until Alistair had had enough...

He just headed straight for dry land through possibly the deepest channel! All I saw was pulk - no pulk - pulk! Alistair had fallen in and his pulk had held him under the water for a while :(

We met each other bank of the river and checked that there were no other rivers to cross and then put up the tent.

Alistair took a while to warm up and we were both badly in need of food and water. Unfortunately there was water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink!

The water was far too gritty, but desperate times and all that... So we drank as little as possible and drifted off to sleep....

Finish @ 17:07

Distance = 3.7 km

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